There are five Board members at Chestnut Creek Heritage Chapel and a small group who serve on the Advisory Council. There is no way such a small handful of people could do all that needs to be done to raise necessary funds, preserve and restore the building, and open it up for community events. But with help from scores of people who’ve donated, time, effort, and money, the work is being done!
Joyce Adams Winifred Akridge Alabama Power Energizers Crystal Bailey Jamie Barnett Billie Bates Brandi Bean Rita Beaton Sharon Beutler Lynn Blackmon Linda Blankenship Bonnie Bonner Charles & Hazel Boswell Barney & Jean Brown Joanne & Lloyd Brown Christy Bryant Don & Shirley Byrd Jennifer & Terry Byrd Timothy & Cristine Byrd Jimmy & Kim Caldwell Bobby & Karen Cagle Charles & Bobbi Cagle Randy Cagle Lynn & Andy Cerny Patricia W Chambliss Robert D. Clark Ben Clements Lydia Coker Elizabeth Collins Ron & Kathy Collins Fred Cox Kay Coy Randall Crawford Cuba Baptist Church Carolyn Cumbie Sonni Cummings Stacey Cummings Susan & Ken Daniel Brittany Davenport Betty Jo & Jack Davis Chris & Myra Davis Vickie & Jimmie Davis William Davis Martha Dean Mark Dedman Ruth Deloach Mike Dennis Roger & Sheila DeVaughn Dellennie Dorough Patrick Dorough James Dozier Barbara Gail Driskell |
Mike & Georgia Dyer Brenda Easterling Lena Easterling David & Idis Edwards Ken & Sue Edwards Pete & Sally Edwards Robert Edwards Tracy Edwards Jacqueline & Michael Frugoli David & Rachel Giles Nancy & Joe Green Perry Green Julie Griffin Florence Griffon Julie & John Guthrie Michael Haddon JoAnn Hall Hazel Hann David & Diana Hiott Mr. & Mrs. W.C.Hornady Tony Hughes Jeanette Jessop Betty L Jones. Dwight & Bonnie Jones Margaret Jones Pam Jones Trina Jones Patricia Joyner Katie Keene Pat Kelley Wendell & Janice Kelley Chalice Kicker Becky & Dennis Lamons Nita Lavender Delores Leedy Patti & Gene Littleton Linda & Bill Lockhart Gerald & Maxine Logan Jane Mason Deb May George & Patsy McCain Betty McCary Lynda & Edwin McElroy Glenn McGriff Martha McGriff Euba Melhem Judy Mitchell Frances Moore Kimberly Moore Melissa Nannini Jacqueline Neeley |
Lois & Bobby Nobles Steve Norris Mary Ousley Charlotte Owens Charles & Juanita Payton Merita Peek Pam Persons Richard Pilgreen Jimmy Plyler James Lewis Popwell Dana Price Gwen & Wayne Price Monica Price Hunter Pugh Barbara Ray Michelle Reeves Sibley & Rhonda Reynolds Dot & Jack Riley Patrick Riley Debbie Roberson Ross Robinson Charles & Delilah Roller Sharon & Lane Ross Charles & Betty Russell Chuck & Barbara Russell Willie Sansom Angie Scarbrough Denise & Greg Scarbrough Marion & Ann Sheppard Judy Shields Angel Smith Linda Smith Patsy Smitherman Sally Speaks Randy & Bobbie St. John Richard & Hazel Strength Karen & Lee Swann Jessica Taylor Ola Taylor Roy Taylor Marilyn & Charles Thomas Tim & Melissa Tucker Kelley Tracy Judy Trammell Jane Vines Lisa Ward Mary Kate Weir David & Jennifer Wendt Jennifer Williams Beverly Wingard Woodmen of the World Beverly Wyatt |
In addition to this list, there have been countless anonymous monetary donors who have
given generously without expectation of recognition.